Call for Workshop & Tutorial Proposals
Following the success of previous editions, FPL 2020 will host several workshops on September 3rd & 4th, 2020. We are soliciting proposals for new and recurring workshops to be organized within FPL 2020, as they provide excellent opportunities to bring together researchers and practitioners from different communities to share their experiences in an interactive atmosphere, and to foster collaboration for new and innovative projects. We invite you to submit workshop proposals on any topic related to the broad set of Architectures and Technology, Applications and Benchmarks, Design Methods and Tools, Self-aware and Adaptive Systems, and Trends and Education before the deadline of April 15th, 2020 June 14th, 2020 (extended!).
Workshop proposals will be assessed and reviewed quickly, on a First-Come-First-Served basis, to give enough time and resources to the workshop organizers to attract high-quality submissions. Therefore, early submissions - from March 1st till June 14th - are welcome and will get the go/no-go notification within one week from the submission.
We strongly encourage workshops that focus on innovative and original ideas related to the core topics of FPL. Organizers can choose between invited presentations (to be listed at the time of submission), open call for papers, or a combination of both. Any other forms of interaction with the audience - panels, demos, posters - are of course welcome, as we see workshops as a means of providing as many and dynamic forms of engaging the audience as possible.
For workshops that do include an open call for papers, we point out that the organizers are in charge of setting up the submission, review, and camera-ready management processes. The organizers must also indicate what their expectation for the workshop is (papers submitted, papers accepted).
Workshop organizers are free to arrange the publication of their workshop papers independently. FPL 2020 does not provide workshop proceedings, but will consider including the workshop papers on the website, as long as the workshop organizers can provide their final papers in time.
Workshop proposal submission requirements
To submit a workshop proposal, please prepare a PDF file (2 pages max, excluding biographies and references), containing the following information:
- A title for the workshop.
- A description of the topics and specific issues that the workshop will address, how the workshop complements FPL 2020, and why the workshop theme is relevant.
- Expected format of the workshop (regular-paper presentations, poster presentations, invited talks, panel discussions, demo sessions, or other ideas to promote active exchange of ideas).
- List of organizers including their short biographies, affiliation, and their expertise in the proposed topic(s).
- (preliminary) Program committee, if applicable.
- In case the workshop has been previously held, provide information to show that the previous edition(s) were successful in terms of paper submissions and attendance.
- Length of the workshop (half-day/full-day) and the expected number of participants.
- Follow-up plans (if any) to disseminate the ideas from the workshop, for example through position papers or journal special issues.
Please, send your proposals by email to both the FPL 2020 Workshop and Tutorial Chairs ( and and CC to with subject: “FPL2020 Workshop proposal”. A confirmation email for receiving your proposal should be sent within 48-hours, otherwise please contact us again.

FPL 2020 is looking for high-quality, timely tutorials to enrich its technical program. Tutorials offer a unique opportunity for presenters to interact closely with attendees and attendees to gain in-depth knowledge on a specific topic. Tutorials are welcome on all topics related to: Architectures and Technology, Applications and Benchmarks, Design Methods and Tools, Self-aware and Adaptive Systems, and Trends and Education are welcome. FPL 2020 tutorials will take place on September 3rd & 4th, 2020 and can be either half-day or full-day, lecture-style or hands-on labs. We invite you to submit tutorial proposals before the deadline of April 15th, 2020 June 14th, 2020 (extended!). Tutorial proposal submission requirements - A PDF file including the following information:
- Title of tutorial.
- Abstract (max. 500 words) describing motivation, intended audience, and main contents.
- List of organizers and speakers including their short biographies and affiliation.
- List of topics to be covered.
- Length and format of the tutorial (lecture, hands-on), and any special requirement for the tutorial room.
- If the tutorial has been previously offered, provide information on the conference, date, and number of attendees.
Please, send your proposals by email to both the FPL 2020 Workshop and Tutorial Chairs ( and and CC to with subject: “FPL2020 Tutorial proposal”. A confirmation email for receiving your proposal should be sent within 48-hours, otherwise please contact us again.