PhD Forum & Demo Night
Phd forum
The FPL 2020 PhD forum is suited for PhD students in the following two ways. First, it is an excellent occasion for PhD students to present their work in progress or preliminary results, and receive early feedback from other researchers in the domain. Secondly, it is a unique opportunity for PhD students, whether fresh or close to completion to give a broad overview of the their work and draw attention to it from both the academic and industrial worlds.
PhD Forum authors are invited to submit 2-page papers using the same format as FPL 2020 regular papers before the deadline of April 30th, 2020 May 14th, 2020 (extended!). PhD Forum papers should include clear descriptions of the project’s motivation, objectives, problem definition, addressed solutions, current status, and planned work if applicable. Contributions based on preliminary results or on work in progress are particularly encouraged. Accepted PhD Forum papers will be included in the conference proceedings and presented at a special poster session. Prior to this session, presenters will be offered the opportunity to draw attention to their posters through a short “elevator pitch” (2-minute presentation).
The submission instructions can be found here. Make sure to check out the submission guidelines for detailed information.
The deadline for the camera-ready version is June 15th, 2020.

Demo Night
The FPL 2020 Demo Night is an excellent opportunity for conference participants to demonstrate and disseminate their work, to increase their visibility, to interact with attendees as well as to impress the FPL community and to make real impact. Demonstrations may include, but are not limited to, academic or commercial experiments, prototypes, tools, platforms, systems, and applications. The event will take place on one of the conference evenings. Hors d'oeuvres and drinks will be served to all attendees.
Demo Night presenters are invited to submit 1-page abstracts using the same format as FPL 2020 regular papers before the deadline of April 30th, 2020 May 14th, 2020 (extended!). An additional cover page should contain the following information:
- Demo title.
- Names and affiliations of all authors.
- Description of the main objectives and relevance of the demo to the FPL community
- Short biographies of demo presenters
- Any logistical requirements the demonstration may have (e.g. Internet access)
The 1-page abstract should include demo title, names and affiliations of all authors, and an abstract of the demo. The authors of the accepted demos will be asked to prepare a poster for the Demo Night. All demo posters will be published on the FPL 2020 program and website, and the abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings.
The submission instructions can be found here. Make sure to check out the submission guidelines for detailed information.
The deadline for the camera-ready version is June 15th, 2020.